Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Paa -ss the Popcorn, please!

Rating! I haven't done one in a while - 3.5 on 5

Warning: Spoiler Alert

Watch Paa for the costumes, for Abhishek Bachchan. But most of all, watch Paa for the dialogues!

So Paa is the story of a 13 year old boy with Progeria.

(Short and sweet today because I am SO tired!)

'Paa' can tend to get a little formulaic and filmy at times - the 7 rounds/the politician taking over a DD show. Blah.

But ignore that, and you've got a film worth watching, if only because of the touching honesty in the relationship between a 13 yr old boy and his mother and grandmother. He calls his grandmother 'bum', his primary language is English. He's tech-savvy(thank God!). He is wry and hilarious. His comments make you roll in the aisle, that is, if you've known a 13 yr old kid - because they are SO true to his character. And you know the best part for me? That they used the 'bum blast' joke! People, I HAVE HEARD THIS JOKE AND REPEATED IT WHEN I WAS 13! IT IS A FRICKIN LEGEND!

Also, Auro talks about bums and potty and all the general things which are, finally, so normal to hear about. I hate how movies like to skip over these things and I'm so surprised that someone finally decided to tell the truth.

And I love Vidya Balan. Why don't men understand that actual women are like this and not like over-eager little puppy dogs, panting hard and trying to please you but just leaving a lot of irritating drool all around?
(Ok I'm sorry, I'm letting go of a little emotional baggage here. But you guys know who I'm talking about because I've complained enough about it. And I've had this problem throughout college AND it still exists. Bravo. Someone save me from having to meet these women. They depress me because they're so mindfucked.)

So go watch Auro! Ignore my rants about my personal life! And I apologise for the laziness. Next review will be a blast, I promise!

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